I am sure many people out there have noticed the insidious nature in which Google seems to be able to track your every thought and deed. For example, I went to Brighton the other day, took a few pictures. Here is a typical one of Brighton Bobbies on the Beat
Excuse me sir, can I look at your credentials?
and when I got home, there was an email from Google entitled, "a day out in Brighton" They had thoughtfully put my pictures in order, complete with a map of where I had been, and my inside leg measurement.
I mean, BLOODY HELL - what's going on?
Here is a link to a website about tea shoppes in Tunbridge Wells we think you might like
However, this morning I got a helpful email from Google recommending the following website:
"Do you take your pets on vacation? What’s your funniest story about traveling pets"
Aaarrggghhhh AAAARRGGHHHH AAAARRGGHHHHH anyone who has even the vaguest awareness of my existence will know that I would rather pull my own face off with a rusty set of blunt pliers than have anything to do with a pet.
If that's what you think Google, you know nothing about Tuco. Nothing!!!
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