Well that was strange
Just had my first job interview for 39 years. Am applying for a PGCE course, which is the post-graduate teacher training qualification. I want to teach mathematics. Not for 14 year old spotty herberts flicking rubber bands at each other or whatever the hell else they do nowadays for entertainment, but as a mathematics lecturer for "mature" students, ie proper adults at an proper adult education college; just a few sessions a week with any luck.
I had to give a short presentation about the state of education. I am afraid I kind of laid into current government policy a bit, but to their credit, the interviewers thought it was pretty good and laughed in all the right places.
The actual interview was fine: said all the right things about inclusiveness and equal opportunities.
I shall let that pass Blotwell Minor, as I can see that you are suffering from low self esteem brought on by lack of inclusiveness within your equal opportunities peer group. Now run along and help yourself to a chocolate fingerwhat they said "I think you will fit in very well"
what they meant "Old crusties like being taught by old crusties"
OK listen up. I said LISTEN UP!! Today we are going to tackle second order non-linear partial differential equations. Any questions? I said ANY...Then I had to have a mathematics test WHICH WAS REALLY HARD. To be honest, the mathematics was trivial, What was hard was trying to figure out what the hell the question was asking. They were all along the lines of:
"A train leaves Glasgow at 12.33 in the morning with 67 people and three bicycles on baord, and again half an hour later, but travelling at 102 mph in a northerly direction before heading for Cannes. If another train leaves Liverpool 54 minutes before the second train reaches Calais, and 123 people get off at Crewe but leave their bicycles behind, what's the name of the engine driver?"
I managed to get through it, but I am now feeling a little less confident.
Said they'd let me know in a few days.
Here's hoping, otherwise it's back to Jeremy Kyle and the Wood Green Senior Citizens Silver Screen Club (with free tea & biscuits) every Tuesday afternoon