Thursday 24 July 2014

Gilbert Scott v Roti King


Would you rather go here

or here

for the evening.


In fact, we went to both.

The Gilbert Scott Bar is at the front of the stonkingly impressive Renaissance Hotel, part of the St Pancras Station complex next to Kings Cross

Arrived just before 6.30 and managed to nab a table

on that couch on the right. I ordered a small lager (from a choice from the beautiful waitress to keep me going until my other companions arrived, which they did about 20 minutes later and we all ordered cocktails.

Lovely place, but you pay for it.

Drinks for four came to £65


Man Alive, that maraschino cherry in my whisky sour was expensive

This was pre-dinner drinks, before going, on the advice of one of my companions having read a writeup in the Guardian (where else?), to the Roti King

situated round the back of Euston Station

just a few easy steps from Secrets Lapdancing Club


So a 10 minute walk later and the commissionaire greets us

The Maitre D' seats us at a table by the band

and we see the Roti King himself

Making the paper thin Rotis, which, I have to say, were incredibly delicious, light, flaky, mouthwateringly good, especially served with the fiery, gutsy lamb curry.

We also had a cheese & spinach, and an egg roti which were served with the most delicious dhal I have ever had, and I've had a few I can tell you.

The sommelier suggested an accompaniment of cans of tepid Carling bought from the nearby wine emporium

Shot of Lenin walking past the offie

The other diners were not, as would have befitted the decor, a selection of

but I am ashamed to say, mostly a bunch of media types who had clearly read the same review as us.

Who's up for the lapdancing club afterwards?

However, despite the company, it was genuinely one of the best meals we've had for some time. And we were stuffed

The cost?  £28 for 4, or about half a Gilbert Scott Cocktail

I shall return, but I might give the warm Carling a miss next time

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