Sunday 21 December 2014


There are observer-independent fundamental and immutable laws of physics, called invariants, that apply everywhere in the Universe, such as momentum, energy, lepton number, baryon number, isospin, strangeness. There are probably others, but I've had a few ales this evening and cannot think of them.

Wa...aaatabout angular momentum?

I would like to add some more, based on my scientific observations of washing, on which I have become something of a virtuoso over the past few months.

In no particular order

The sock number S(n)
S(out) = S(in) - 1.  The number of socks you take out of the washing machine is always one less than the number you put in

The sock colour parameter S(c)
Irrespective of the number of times you check, S(c) always contains at least one black sock if all others are white, or one white sock if all others are black.

The Kleenex constant K
K is the number of used kleenex left in the pockets of items about to be washed. It is always greater than zero, It is independent of N(l), which it the number of times you check the pockets.

Look at my cardi - it's RUINED!!

The Sterling Paradox
You only ever find that tenner you lost AFTER it's been through the washer, never before

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