EU Thank you Mr Tsipras for your bailout
proposals. On the face of it, these proposals look even more draconian than the proposals we put
to you a couple of weeks ago.
Tsipras ...and we totally rejected your proposals
EU …and then we withdrew them
Tsipras…and then we voted on the
withdrawn proposals in a referendum and rejected them
EU… and now you are proposing to us these
same withdrawn rejected proposals, only making them even tougher on yourselves?
Tsipras exactly. That'll show you
EU But..will you get these through your parliament?
Tsipras Oh sure. They don't know what the hell's going on. And neither do I.
EU Well, look, fine, whatever. We will accept your new tougher old rejected withdrawn proposals to us which
were ours in the first place.
Here's that redraft you wanted Mr Tsipras
Tsipras Get IN!! Victory for the little
people over the EU apprarachiks!! Well, I must be off…
Mr Tsipras shrugs on his jacket and strolls towards
the door
EU Mr Tsipras, Mr Tsipras, aren’t you
forgetting something?
Mr Tsipras gazes around at the ceiling Ummm…nnnnno I don’t think so…
EU The debt
Mr Tsipras affects surprise The…debt.? Ummmm...he clicks his fingers debt...debt...OH! you mean THAT debt??
Tsipras What? What about it? (incredulously) You don't actually want it back, do you?
Mr Tsipras sighs loudly. Well, I wish you had made that clear at the time. How much?
Tsipras What, ALL of it?
EU We did lend it to you in the first
place you know
Tsipras Well more fool you. So you admit it was your
fault eh?
EU getting exhasperated Look Mr
Tsipras, how can we put it? WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK!!
Tsipras You mean Angela wants her money
EU Same thing
Tsipras (walking around and waving his arms in a
conciliatory gesture OK, OK, look,
I’VE done some
stupid things…
YOU'VE done some stupid things…I suggest we let
bygones be bygones. I tell you what, I'm a reasonable man,

and I wouldn't make this offer to just anyone. Seriously, they're gonna
KILL me back home
(laughs nervously). So here's what I'll do, and it's only because I kinda like you guys, I’ll split the difference. I’ll give you
50%. No, no, don't thank me. It's the least I can do, so waddya...
Tsipras Jeez. OK, 70%
Tsipras Hey hey look. I mean, Jeez, I thought this was a negotiation? What’s with all the smiles on the steps
outside a few minutes ago, eh?
Ha Ha! OK let go now. Seriously, that really hurts
What’s a few billion between friends. Partners.
are partners aren’t
we? I seem to recall you wanted us to join in the first place. Am I wrong?
Tsipras Oh by the way, thought you might like to see this holiday piccie I took recently
Come on Vlad, give us a smile
I AM smiling
EU (sighs heavily We will agree, reluctantly,
to reschedule the other 30%
Tsipras Attaboy. How long will you give
EU Not long
Tspiras Can I make a suggestion?
EU Knock yourself out
Tspiras How about we’ll pay it back when
the sun runs out of hydrogen and starts burning it’s helium core?
EU WHaat the…now just hold...How…what...You’re not…slumps
down Fine. Whatever. Now get the hell out of here.
Tsipras Missing you already. Oh just one more

Tspiras You know that 3.5 billion Euros I
owe you guys that’s due next week?
EU Yeeesss…..
Tsipras You couldn’t see your way to lending it to us so we can pay you back, could
you? Just till the tax receipts start pouring in. Shouldn't take long...
Tsipras – scuttling away OK, OK. Jeez,
what a grouch.