Saturday 18 July 2015

Keith Lorraine

So I'm walking along the pavement minding my own business when I become aware of a loud oaf talking into his mobile phone coming up behind me

"...yeah, anyway get this. Listen. His name was Keith right? And guess what the name of his girlfriend was? You'll never guess. Eh? No,. no, listen. Her name ready for this? OK, OK, I'm getting to it. Her name was Lorraine! Geddit? Lorraine!! Keith and Lorraine! Keith Lorraine, geddit? As in Quiche Lorraine!!!

Yeah, you heard. Keith Lorraine!!

"I said to them. That's like in Quiche Lorraine, geddit? Keith and Lorraine. Quiche Lorraine!! Eh? No, they never invited me back. Don't know why. Nah, nah, this was nine years ago..." at which point he mercifully went out of range.

Jesus Chrostonabike NINE YEARS AGO?? And he's still telling his irritating and lame story to his ever dwindling pool of friends and aquaintances? How come no-one's put him out of his misery in all that time?

Where's a polo mallet when you need one?

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